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Spring Mornings, Coffee, And A Book

Having to work prevents many of the joys I beg to do, but work provides the future opportunity for me to achieve most these joys while some will remain un-endeavoured. This morning is one such moment that I am reminded of the joys I patiently await. When the opportunity presents itself one must seize it with all the vigor they have.

It is amusing to look around my house and see multiple books in process of being read. There is a book by Jim Papendrea that sits on my nightstand waiting to be moved to another room to be read. I resides there 2/3 of the way finished. A second book sits next to my couch in my living room in a type of book slumber waiting to have the remaining 80% of it to be read. Then comes my library where I have multiple books just waiting to be picked up once more. Several are digital while a few others are the perfect real book. This is where my reading stands. With all of these books, not one is fiction.

Opening the window to the outside, grinding and pouring for my freshly made coffee, and selecting a book of my choosing is my goal for the morning as I await the sun to rise enough for reading. Shall it be the book about Sgt. York? What about Papandrea’s book? I could grab the waiting book on Custer. Maybe I’ll grab Cancer as a Metabolic Disease by Thomas N. Seyfried for light reading. I would prefer the beyond very late graphic novel In Search of Hannibal, but after seven years I’m not holding my breath. Whatever I select will work well with the morning.

I may not be able to routinely do this, but just having the occasional opportunity is nice, and I plan to take full advantage of it. Read in the morning and tackle the rest of the day doing whatever needs to be done whether it is work or pleasure. With an estimated 3,000+ books, my retirement future mornings are booked.

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