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What Books Am I Reading Today?

When I am asked what I am reading now it can be difficult for me to answer. There are books that I read from beginning to end and then I have the books where I read only specific sections for a reason. So, when I am reading about Bull Run it may be that I am looking at specific sections of the battle, therefore, I’ll spend time on books that contain what I am interested in. I may be reading a book, but it may not be from beginning to end.

The first book I am reading and doing it rather slowly is Reading Scripture Like The Early Church by James Papandrea. This isn’t leisure reading, though I am enjoying this book. I am looking for specific parts to this book and will move on from it at some point. It doesn’t mean I won’t read the entire book as I will, but it may be put aside while I tackle other books.

I guess I am on the religion them with The Fathers Of The Church: Eusebius Pamphili Ecclesiastical History Books 1-5. I prefer Papandrea’s book to this, though I need some information out of this one. If you enjoy history and theology then you may enjoy this, but I don’t recommend this for leisurely reading.

Another book that I am enjoying but now at a slower pace is The Black of Premodern China. This is part of my slavery research that I’ve been looking into for a while. When studying slavery especially the slave trade of Africa you begin to see that it was not some white supremacist thing but something far larger involving all groups and skin color. My depth of study into slavery began with the study of Saint Dominigue or you may know it as Haiti today. This was a tragic, complex and yet interesting history. I wrote a rather lengthy paper about elements of this society mainly after the slave revolt while in school. This tiny island or half of an island altered how I viewed slavery and began to re-educate me, correctly, unlike the indoctrination of the mini-series Roots did.

A few other books I have dabbled in recently are more on the academic learning side of things. One being, Management Ethics: Placing Ethics at the Core of Good Management, by Doménec Melé which many senior management should read. This isn’t the most interesting read, and I admit I put it down for now. The second book is Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. I am more or less skimming it for specific ideas that I want to look into.

These aren’t the only books I have open, but they have been the most recent. There are a few math textbooks I opened for a refresher in mathematcis, particularly calculus books. I went back into some mathematics to rekindle my love of the unit circle. I could write a book about the unit circle, but who would read it?

Currently, research oriented papers is where my focus has been which has placed many of these research topics I listed above on hold. I have been slowly going through one paper, Atrial Fibrillation After mRNA-1273 SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination: Case Report with Literature Review, and Safety of COVID-19 Vaccines in Patients with Autoimmune Diseases, in Patients with Cardiac Issues, and in the Healthy Population. These two are just a sample of the papers I have been slowly digesting. There is even a paper with Fauci as one of the authors that I am currently looking into along with a few leads on as well as a few leads on Guillain-Barré syndrome and the mRNA vaccine . These are not books, so I really shouldn’t include them.

What about books for the joy of reading? I do not have any at this time. Not even the Tolkien books that I used to read every year. I cannot blame on what I am reading in the above paragraphs. The main culprit besides work are renovation projects I am doing. Another thing is I don’t have any leisure books lined up except for one that I am waiting to be published. Once this book is published I will purchase it and read it. It will be a fictional alternate history that is related to John Punch. I am looking forward to this book.

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